The Movie Was Maybe Better?

Now 9 out of 10 times the book is better than the screen adaptation. Why? Well it’s just so hard to capture all the details. Each person’s experience of a book is unique and so it’s even more difficult to pander to everyone’s view point. However, you have those rare instances when the movie is either as good as or better than the book. Here are a few of my choices for As Good As, Better and the last are books that are way better. Do you agree? What would you add to it? Comment away!

As good as

  1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy - I recently read and watched this again and am struck anew with how good they both are. They deliver different things but the effect is much the same.

  2. The Hunger Games trilogy - I’ve watched the movies several times so they are almost a comfort watch, which is really weird for a post apocalyptic story based on teenagers killing each other. The books are also good, but the movies are just a bit easier to digest.

  3. The Hobbit - Many die hard Tolkien fans will not agree. The movies are definitely more Hollywood, but I liked the added action and drama.

  4. Great Expectations - I may be in the minority, but I really liked the Gwyneth Paltrow/Ethan Hawke movie.

  5. Alice in Wonderland - The Disney version captures that trippy, happy atmosphere really well without being creepy.

  6. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - Reread and watched both a few times.

  7. The Sandman series - If you haven’t watched/read these yet, I highly recommend both the new TV series and the full-cast audio versions.

  8. Empire of the Sun - Both are brilliant.


  1. Frankenstein - any movie. I just felt like Dr Frankenstein was so WHINY in the book.

  2. Stardust - Sure it was cheesy, but I just felt the ending in the book was such a let down. Villains can’t just change at the end.

  3. Mary Poppins - I mean Julie Andrews IS Mary Poppins. Amirite? Or amirite?

  4. How to Train Your Dragon - The book was a bit odd after watching the movie. I mean I get it but I enjoyed the movie more.

  5. The Jungle Book - Honestly my favourite Disney cartoon.

  6. Romeo and Juliet - Makes the ridiculous premise and ending less so with the amazing soundtrack and the fact that the actors are not 15 years old.

  7. Apocalypse Now (based on Heart of Darkness)

Do not touch these movies with a 10-ft tub of popcorn

  1. The Neverending Story - This is the WORST book adaptation IMO. Honestly, just read the book.

  2. The Shining - The screeching violins were the scariest part.

  3. The House of Spirits - Ok, the movie isn’t that bad, but it’s not good. Book is way better.

  4. The Witches, Matilda and both Charlie and the Chocolate Factories - Perhaps it’s the fact that these ignited my love for reading, but they fall so short of the brilliance of his writing that they make me angry.